C/2013 US10 (Catalina)彗星观测





* November 24 — Approximate date of first visibility in the dawn sky
* December 7 — Catalina gets company! The comet pairs up with the planet Venus and the waning crescent Moon this morning.
* December 23–24 — Comet crosses into Boötes
* January 1, 2016 — Close pass (0.5°) of Arcturus on the first day of 2016 * January 9 — Comet crosses into Canes Venatici
* January 12 — Closest to Earth at 66.9 million miles
* January 14 — Comet crosses into Ursa Major
* January 14–15 — Passes just 1° north of Alkaid, the star at the end of the Big Dipper’s handle
* January 16 — Passes 2° southwest of the 8th-magnitude galaxy, M101
* January 17 — Passes 3.4° northeast of the double star Mizar in the bend of the Big Dipper’s handle
* January 21 — Comet crosses into Draco
* January 25 — Comet crosses into Camelopardalis
